Tips to Help You Save Water in Bathroom
Over the last decade, #SaveWater has been a constant trend. And we all know why.
While the Government is doing their bit, it isn’t enough. We, the people, must take the right actions, do our bit and help save water. Even if we end up saving a litre of water every day, it would create a positive impact compared to if you choose to ignore the need.
Don’t worry, we are not asking you to launch Facebook campaigns, raise funds to clean water bodies (you can if you want to), etc., even little things such as following the below-shared tips to save water in your bathroom can mean a huge difference. Take a look and make water conservation a habit.

Don’t brush your teeth with the tap open:
Maybe unintentionally, but some of us do have a habit of brushing our teeth standing in front of the wash basin, while the faucet is wide open. The water wastage this habit leads to is quite significant and can be completely avoided. How? Just turn the tap off when you don’t need water and done. It is that simple.
Ditch the bathtub:

Limit your bath time:
Wash your clothes only once a week:

Fix all faulty faucets:
Use Faucets featuring Neoperl Technology: