The washroom of your home is like your very own sanctuary of hygiene. Amongst the various bath fittings, one that’s very important is a health faucet. There are multiple benefits of a health faucet and again, the most important one is the fact about its hygiene. There’s also the factor that using a health faucet is much more comfortable than using toilet paper. Health faucets are not harsh to the skin, unlike toilet papers.
Health faucets are a very simple and basic mechanism of that of a handheld device with a trigger nozzle that delivers a sharp spray of water. Also known as jet sprays, the health faucets have a number of benefits which will always leave you with a decision in favour of them.

- Personal Hygiene
Health faucets guarantee better personal hygiene as opposed to toilet paper because application of water definitely washes off better. - Comfort
Most people feel more comfortable using health faucets because they are comfortable in using water which is not harmful to the skin. Toilet paper can be harsh to one’s skin, especially when someone has sensitive skin, or when someone needs to use the restroom a bit too many times.

- Ease of Use
Health faucets come with adjustable pipes which make it quite easy to move around and use in accordance with necessity. The spray feature i.e. the intensity of the water flow can also be adjusted as per one’s need. - Cleanliness
Health faucets eliminate the chances of water clogging, unlike the times when you use toilet paper and try to dispose of it. It keeps your bathroom clean and tidy, sans any mess.

- Eco-friendly
A number of trees aren’t cut down in order to produce health faucets. Again, something that’s unlike toilet papers. Health faucets also have a controlled flow of water, which helps you to use as much water as needed. No wastage. - Ease of Installation
There’s an array of choices you would get for health faucets. The pipes come in various sizes. It’s easily installed in your washroom, right beside the pot. It can be joined to another faucet or directly into the wall.

- Cost-effective
Installing health faucets is a one-time investment for your washroom. It also helps you to save the recurring expenses on toilet papers.
Apart from the benefits, the health faucets of today also come in stylish designs and go as bathroom accessories to the already existing collection of your bathware.